
Italian Patents

1. Device for the measurement of the Torque-Speed characteristic of electric motors

Patent application AN2005A 000058 ; Patent no. 0001364984

Filing date: December 22, 2005; Patent date: September 11, 2009

Inventors: M.Scarano, F. Marignetti, G.Tomassi, G.Romiti

Owner: A.E.A. Srl, Rosora (AN)

2. Electromagnetic Actuator for a Proportional Electrovalve

Patent application BO2007A000858 ; Patent no. 00013676799

Filing date: December 31, 2007; Patent date: July 5, 2010

Inventors: E. De Santis, F. Marignetti, G.Tomassi

3. Method and device for controlling the electric supply of an electromagnetic actuator

Patent application BO2009A000491 ; Patent no.

Filing date: July 28, 2009

Inventors: E. De Santis, F. Marignetti, G.Tomassi

Owner: LEDA srl

4. Brushless electric drive with two independent rotors for hybrid electric propulsion

Patent application NA2011A000046 ; Patent no. 0001409332

Filing date: November 9, 2011

Patent date: July 31, 2014

Inventors: I. Boldea, S. Deaconu, F. Marignetti, L. Tutelea

Owner: F. Marignetti

5. High voltage fiber optic sensor for the measurement of an alternating electric field

Patent application ITMI20131668 ; Patent no.

Filing date: October 9, 2013 ;Patent date:

Inventors: G. Gagliardi, F. Marignetti

Owner: LEDA srl (50%), CNR - National Research Council (50%)

International Patents

1. Application number PCT/IB2008/003648, WO2008IB03648 20081230 ; Patent no: WO2009087465 (A2) ; Also published as: EP2225764, US2011012041 (A1), ITBO20070858 (A1), CN102405503(A)

Electromagnetic Actuator for a Proportional Electrovalve

Filing date: December 30, 2008 ; Patent date: July 16, 2009

Inventors: F. Marignetti, G.Tomassi

Owner: LEDA srl

2. Application number PCT/IB2008/003648, WO2008IB03648 20081230 ; Patent no: EP2280403 ; Also published as: US2011025235 (A1) ITBO20090491 (A1) CN101986554 (A)

Method and device for controlling the power supply of an electromagnetic actuator

Filing date: July 28, 2010 ;Publication date: February 2, 2011

Inventors: F. Marignetti, G.Tomassi, E. de Santis

Owner: LEDA srl

3. Application number: PCT/EP2014/071694, WO2014EP71694 20141009 ; Patent no: WO2015052294 ; Also published as: ITMI20131668

High Voltage Fiber Optic Sensor for the Measurement of an Alternating Electric Field

Filing date: October 9, 2014; Publicatin date: April 16, 2015

Inventors: G. Gagliardi, F. Marignetti,

Owner: LEDA srl (50%), CNR - National Research Council (50%)